Why Don't You Get Desired Results By
You like it or not, but it is a fact that many ayurveda doctors don't get desired results by ayurvedic treatment.
There could be any number of factors responsible for this failure. Yet, the most important factor is - Not using the effective medicines
It means, if you don't use really effective medicines for the disease under treatment, you may not get satisfactory results.
For example -
Bhallatak (भल्लातक) is quite effective in artery blockages (अवरुद्ध धमनियाँ). Yet, many doctors don't use it.
Duralabha (दुरालभा) is the drug of choice in Vertigo (भ्रम / चक्कर) in ayurveda. Yet, many ayurveda doctors don't use.
Shati (शटी) is one of most effective drugs in Nasal, Bronchial, and Skin allergy (असात्म्यता). But quite a few ayurveda doctors use it in these diseases.
Nirgundi (निर्गुण्डी), when used internally, is one of the most effective drugs in Inflammatory diseases (शोथ-युक्त रोग). Yet, many doctors prefer to use it only externally.
Shankhfuli (शंखफूली) is an excellent supportive drug in Anti-cancer Therapy (कैंसर-रोधी चिकित्सा). Yet, doctors use it very rarely.
These are just a few examples. Truly speaking, there are hundreds of ayurvedic drugs that could be highly effective in specific diseases, but are not used, because of one reason or the other.
These include -
- Asthi-shrinkhala (अस्थि-श्रृंखला) in Varicose veins (सिरा-ग्रन्थि);
- Kalmegh (कालमेघ) in Viral infections (विषाणुज संक्रमण);
- Antamul (अन्तमूल) in Asthma (श्वास-रोग / दमा);
- Kapikachhu (कपिकच्छू) in Depression (मनःअवसाद);
- Brahmi (ब्राह्मी) in Hypothyroidism (हाइपो-थायराॅयडिज्म);
- Dronpushpi (द्रोणपुष्पी) in Piles (अर्श-रोग / बवासीर);
- Gandira (गण्डीर) in Hypertension (उच्च-रक्तचाप);
- Shilajit (शिलाजीत) in Osteo-arthritis (सन्धिवात);
- Ashwagandha (अश्वगन्धा) in Degenerative diseases (धातुक्षय-जन्य रोग);
- Madhuyashti (मधुयष्टी) in Auto-immune disorders (आमविषज रोग);
- Bakuchi (बाकुची) in post-Menopausal problems (रजो-निवृत्तिज रोग);
- Ulat-kambal (उलट-कम्बल) in Oligo-menorrhea (अल्पार्तव);
- Bilva-patra (बिल्व-पत्र) in Hyper-thyroidism (हाइपर-थायराॅयडिज्म);
- Bhringaraj (भृंगराज) in Acid Peptic Diseases - APD (अम्लपित्त / परिणामशूल / अन्नद्रवशूल);
- Arjuna (अर्जुन) in Fractures (अस्थि-भग्न);
- Ativisha (अतिविषा) in Bacterial infections (जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Bala (बला) in Paralysis / Stroke (पक्षाघात / अर्धांगवात);
- भूम्यामलकी (Bhumi-amalaki) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता);
- Chandan (चन्दन) in Cancer (विषार्बुद);
- Chirayata (चिरायता) in Bacterial infections (जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Chopchini (चोपचीनी) in Urinary infection - UTI (मूत्रमार्गीय संक्रमण);
- Durva (दूर्वा) in Bleeding (रक्तस्राव / रक्तपित्त);
- Erand-karkati (एरण्ड-कर्कटी) in Dengue fever (डैंग्यु बुखार);
- Ghrit-kumari (घृतकुमारी) in Jaundice (कामला);
- Gojihva (गोजिह्वा) in Palpitation (हृद्-द्रव);
- Gokshura (गोक्षुर) in Erectile dysfunction (क्लैब्य / नपुंसकता);
- Gorakh-mundi (गोरखमुण्डी) in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - BPH (प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि);
- Guduchi (गुडूची) in Auto-immune disorders (आमविषज रोग);
- Haritaki (हरीतकी) in Auto-immune disorders (आमविषज रोग);
- Harmal (हरमल) to increase urine flow in BPH (प्रोस्टेट वृद्धि);
- Jivanti (जीवन्ती) in Low milk secretion (स्तन्याल्पता);
- Jyotishmati (ज्योतिष्मती) in Depression (मनःअवसाद);
- Kakmachi (काकमाची) in Vitamin-D deficiency (विटामिन डी की कमी);
- Kanchnar (काञ्चनार) in Hypo-thyroidism (हाइपो-थायराॅयडिज्म);
- Kantakari (कण्टकारी) in Allergic disorders (असात्म्यता-जन्य रोग);
- Kasani (कासनी) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता / मूत्राघात);
- Mandukparni (मण्डूकपर्णी) in Ischemic disorders (अल्परक्तता-जन्य रोग);
- Manjishtha (मञ्जिष्ठा) in Fungal infections (मधुरिका-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Mushali (मुशली) in Erectile dysfunction (क्लैब्य / नपुंसकता);
- Nimba (निम्ब) in Acne / Pimples (मुखदूषिका / कील-मुंहासे);
- Parijata (पारिजात) in Sciatica (गृध्रसी / रीह का दर्द);
- Patrang (पत्राँग) in Leucorrhoea (श्वेतप्रदर);
- Punarnava (Punarnava) in liver disorders (यकृत्गत रोग);
- Pushkarmula (पुष्करमूल) in Angina (हृदयशूल / हृच्छूल);
- Putranjiva (पुत्रञ्जीव) in Oligo-spermia (शुक्राणु-अल्पता);
- Rohitak (रोहीतक) in Cancer (विषार्बुद);
- Sahdevi (सहदेवी) in Urinary stones (मूत्राश्मरी);
- Sanay (सनाय) in Constipation (विबन्ध);
- Sapta-parna (सप्तपर्ण) in Malaria (मलेेरिया);
- Sariva (सारिवा) in Bacterial infections (जीवाणु-जन्य संंक्रमण);
- Shankhpushpi (शंखपुष्पी) in Mental stress (मानसिक तनाव);
- Sharpunkha (शरपुंखा) in Hepatitis (यकृत्शोथ);
- Shatavari (शतावरी) in Female infertility (स्त्री-वन्ध्यत्व);
- Shigru (शिग्रु) in Nutritional deficiencies (पोषणाभाव);
- Tagar (तगर) in Insomnia (अनिद्रा);
- Tulasi (तुलसी) in Premature cataract (अकाल मोतियाबिन्द);
- Vrikshamla (वृक्षाम्ल) in Obesity (स्थौल्य / मोटापा); इत्यादि।
*Problems & Solutions*
There could be several reasons why some ayurveda doctors don't use the most effective drugs for managing various diseases. Yet, the most important reasons are -
1. Many doctors remain unaware about the efficacy of certain drugs in specific diseases. The solution to this problem is, doctors should keep themselves updated about the latest scientific research being carried out on medicinal herbs. So far as we are concerned, we keep on sharing the findings of latest scientific research on medicinal herbs.
2. Some doctors cannot use certain drugs as their effective Products are not available in the market. Your Company - Dr.Vasishth's AyuRemedies - has tried to solve this problem by launching hundreds of Products that were not available before. For your kind information, we make all the above-mentioned drugs, as Ghan Tablets.
3. Some doctors don't use certain drugs as they are scared of the same. For example, Bhallatak. We have found solution to this problem by making medicines, that when used judiciously, are largely safe, even for long-term use.
4. Some doctors don't use the effective drugs because of certain preconceived notions or bias. As such, we have no solution whatsoever for such doctors.
Conclusion (निष्कर्ष):
Try to know the most effective drugs for managing a disease and make its judicious use, wherever required.
Kapikachhu (कपिकच्छू) is a potent neurotropic drug (मेध्य रसायन), quite effective in Mental depression (मनःअवसाद), Alzheimer’s (स्मृतिनाश), Parkinson’s (कम्पवात), Neuropathies (नाडी-दुष्टि), etc. But very few ayurveda doctors use Kapikachhu in these diseases.
Amalaki (आमलकी) is an excellent source of natural Vitamin-C. Yet, very few ayurveda doctors use it for this purpose.
Bhallatak (भल्लातक) has been seen to possess Anti-cancer (विषार्बुदहर) activity by inhibiting cancer cell multiplication. Yet, many doctors don't use it in the Anti-cancer Therapy (As a supportive drug).
Duralabha (दुरालभा) improves blood supply to the brain and is thus useful in Ischemic stroke (मस्तिष्क-आघात) resulting in Paralysis / Hemiplegia (पक्षाघात / अर्धांगवात). Yet, many ayurveda doctors don't use it in this disease.
Shati (शटी) is a potent Anti-asthmatic (श्वास-रोगहर). But quite a few ayurveda doctors use it in Asthma (श्वास-रोग).
These are just a few examples. Truly speaking, there are hundreds of ayurvedic drugs that could be highly effective in specific diseases, but are not used, because of one reason or the other.
These include -
- Asthi-shrinkhala (अस्थि-श्रृंखला) in Osteo-arthritis (सन्धिवात / सन्धिक्षय);
- Kalmegh (कालमेघ) in Hepatitis B (हैपेटाइटिस बी);
- Antamul (अन्तमूल) in COPD (जीर्ण प्राणवह-स्रोतोरोध);
- Brahmi (ब्राह्मी) in IBS (आन्त्रक्षोभ / वातिक ग्रहणी);
- Dronpushpi (द्रोणपुष्पी) in Hepatitis (यकृत्शोथ / कामला);
- Gandira (गण्डीर) in Hypo-thyroidism (हाइपो-थायराॅयडिज्म);
- Shilajit (शिलाजीत) in Female infertility (स्त्री-वन्ध्यत्व);
- Ashwagandha (अश्वगन्धा) in Cancer (विषार्बुद);
- Madhuyashti (मधुयष्टी) in Allergic disorders (असात्म्यता-जन्य रोग);
- Bakuchi (बाकुची) in Psoriasis (सोरायसिस);
- Ulat-kambal (उलट-कम्बल) in PCOD (पी.सी.ओ.डी.);
- Bilva-patra (बिल्व-पत्र) in Tumors (अर्बुद);
- Bhringaraj (भृंगराज) in Pancreatitis (अग्न्याशय शोथ);
- Arjuna (अर्जुन) in Angina (हृदयशूल);
- Ativisha (अतिविषा) in Piles (अर्श-रोग / बवासीर);
- Bala (बला) in Obesity (स्थौल्य / मोटापा);
- Bhumi-amalaki (भूम्यामलकी) in Hepatitis B (हैपेटाइटिस बी);
- Chandan (चन्दन) in H. pylori infection occurring in the stomach (जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Chirayata (चिरायता) in Liver disorders (यकृत्गत रोग);
- Chopchini (चोपचीनी) in Gout / Hyperuricemia (पैत्तिक वातरक्त) to lower raised uric acid in blood;
- Durva (दूर्वा) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता) to enhance urine production;
- Erand-karkati (एरण्ड-कर्कटी) in Low platelet count (प्लैट्लैट्स की कमी);
- Ghrit-kumari (घृतकुमारी) in Oligo-menorrhea (अल्पार्तव);
- Gojihva (गोजिह्वा) to lower raised body temperature in Fever (ज्वर);
- Gokshura (गोक्षुर) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता);
- Gorakh-mundi (गोरखमुण्डी) in Psoriasis (सोरायसिस);
- Guduchi (गुडूची) in Thrombocytopenia (रक्तपित्त);
- Haritaki (हरीतकी) in High cholesterol and triglycerides (मेदो-दुष्टि);
- Harmal (हरमल) in Hypertension (उच्च-रक्तचाप);
- Jivanti (जीवन्ती) in Female infertility (स्त्री-वन्ध्यत्व);
- Jyotishmati (ज्योतिष्मती) in Neuropathies (नाडीदुष्टि);
- Kakmachi (काकमाची) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता);
- Kanchnar (काञ्चनार) in PCOD (पी.सी.ओ.डी.);
- Kantakari (कण्टकारी) in Chronic Bronchitis (जीर्ण कास);
- Kasani (कासनी) in Early Cirrhosis of liver (नव यकृत् काठिन्य);
- Mandukparni (मण्डूकपर्णी) in Mental stress (मानसिक तनाव);
- Manjishtha (मञ्जिष्ठा) in Bacterial infections (जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Mushali (मुशली) in Male Infertility (पुरुष वन्ध्यत्व);
- Nimba (निम्ब) in Fungal infections (मधुरिका-जन्य संक्रमण);
- Nirgundi (निर्गुण्डी) in Inflammatory diseases (शोथ-युक्त रोग);
- Parijata (पारिजात) in Osteo-arthritis (सन्धिवात / सन्धिक्षय);
- Patrang (पत्राँग) in PID (गर्भाशय शोथ);
- Punarnava (पुनर्नवा) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता);
- Pushkarmula (पुष्करमूल) in Asthma (श्वास-रोग / दमा);
- Putranjiva (पुत्रञ्जीव) in Male Infertility (पुरुष वन्ध्यत्व);
- Rohitak (रोहीतक) in Tumors (अर्बुद);
- Sahdevi (सहदेवी) in Kidney failure (वृक्क अक्षमता);
- Sariva (सारिवा) in Fungal infections (ममधुरिका-जन्य संंक्रमण);
- Shankhfuli (शंखफूली) in Cancer (विषार्बुद) as a supportive drug;
- Shankhpushpi (शंखपुष्पी) in Poor cognitive functions (बुद्धिमांद्य);
- Sharpunkha (शरपुंखा) in Early cirrhosis (नव यकृत् काठिन्य);
- Shatavari (शतावरी) in Post-Menopausal disorders (रजो-निवृत्तिज रोग);
- Shigru (शिग्रु) in Inflammatory diseases (शोथ-युक्त रोग);
- Tagar (तगर) in Anxiety (चिन्ता);
- Tulasi (तुलसी) in Cancer (विषार्बुद);
- Vrikshamla (वृक्षाम्ल) in Dyslipidema (मेदो-दुष्टि); इत्यादि।
Why Don't Doctors Use These Drugs?
Ayurveda doctors don't use these effective medicines, as -
- Some doctors don't know about their beneficial actions proven by scientific research;
- Some doctors cannot use these drugs because of their Non-availability for use;
- Some doctors don't believe that these drugs can be so much effective;
- Some doctors don't want to try Single Drugs and they keep on using Multi-Drug Classical or Proprietary Medicines; and
- Some doctors see no merit in adopting newer approaches, and they keep on sticking to their old, tried and tested approaches.
Conclusion (निष्कर्ष):
Try to know the most effective drugs for managing a disease and make its judicious use, wherever required.
Many a time you prescribe right medicines, in the right dosage, and for right duration. Yet, the response is poor or nil.
The reason in such cases could be the Wrong Diagnosis. Things could be different if you make the Right Diagnosis and then treat the diseases.
But what does the Right Diagnosis mean?
Right Diagnosis means, you very clearly know -
- What is the Pathology?
- Where is the Pathology?
- What is the Cause of the Pathology?
- How the Pathology has evolved?
Here we discuss various types of Pathologies, and the specific drugs used to destroy those Pathologies.
Inflammation (शोथ)
Inflammation is obviously the most common underlying Pathology in many diseases. Sometimes the inflammation may be evident, and at other times, it could be hidden.
You may use any one or more of the following drugs to alleviate the inflammation -
- Shallaki (शल्लकी)
- Nirgundi (निर्गुण्डी)
- Erandmula (एरण्डमूल)
- Guggulu (गुग्गुलु)
- Bilva-patra (बिल्व-पत्र)
- Rasna (रास्ना)
Ischemia (अल्परक्तता)
When an organ or a part of the body gets insufficient blood supply, it is called as Ischemia (अल्परक्तता). These days, Ischemia has become too common. It is the major underlying Pathology in - Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), Stroke, AVN, Gangrene, Renal ischemia, etc.
You may use any one or more of the following drugs to improve blood supply -
- Pushkarmula (पुष्करमूल)
- Guggulu (गुग्गुलु)
- Bhallatak (भल्लातक)
- Gokshura (गोक्षुर)
- Jyotishmati (ज्योतिष्मती)
- Duralabha (दुरालभा)
- Mandukparni (मण्डूकपर्णी)
- Brahmi (ब्राह्मी)
- Chopchini (चोपचीनी)
Degeneration / Atrophy (धातुक्षय)
When the cells and tissues start dying slowly, it is called Degeneration. It is the major underlying Pathology in - Osteo-arthritis, Cervical Spondylosis, Lumbar Spondylosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Nerve degeneration, Retinal degeneration, CAD, Stroke, Premature Menopause, Osteoporosis, etc.
You may use any one or more of the following drugs to reinforce and rejuvenate the dying cells and tissues -
- Lakshmana (लक्ष्मणा)
- Ashwagandha (अश्वगन्धा)
- Shilajit (शिलाजीत)
- Shaival (शैवाल)
- Kapikachhu (कपिकच्छू)
- Shatavari (शतावरी)
- Mushali (मुशली)
- Jyotishmati (ज्योतिष्मती)
- Gokshura (गोक्षुर)
- Shigru (शिग्रु)
- Yashad (यशद)
Tumors (अर्बुद) & Hyperplasia / Hypertrophy (स्थानिक धातुवृद्धि)
When the cells in an organ / tissue srart multiplying rapidly, it gives rise to Tumors (अर्बुद) or Hyperplasia / Hypertrophy (स्थानिक धातुवृद्धि).
When the multiplication of the cells is uncontrolled, it becomes a threat to the life of the patient. It is called Malignancy or Cancer (विषार्बुद).
Tumors (अर्बुद) & Hyperplasia / Hypertrophy (स्थानिक धातुवृद्धि) are the major underlying Pathologies in - Tumors (अर्बुद), Cysts (ग्रन्थि), Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (पौरुष अभिवृद्धि), Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (हृन्मांस अभिवृद्धि), Cervical Hyperplasia (गर्भाशय-ग्रीवागत धातु-अभिवृद्धि), etc.
You may use any one or more of the following drugs to inhibit the abnormal growth and multiplication of the cells -
- Bhallatak (भल्लातक)
- Shankhfuli (शंखफूली)
- Rohitak (रोहीतक)
- Bilva-patra (बिल्व-पत्र)
- Chitrak (चित्रक)
- Gomutra (गोमूत्र)
- Tamra (ताम्र)
Auto-immunity (आमविष)
When the immune cells of a person attack and damage body's own cells, tissues, organs, and systems, it is called Auto-immunity. Auto-immunity is the major underlying Pathology in - RA, SLE, Psoriasis, Lichen, Auto-immune thyroiditis, Ulcerative colitis, Alopecia areata, etc. Use any one or more of the following drugs to manage Auto-immunity -
- Bhallatak (भल्लातक)
- Ashwagandha (अश्वगन्धा)
- Madhuyashti (मधुयष्टी)
- Tulasi (तुलसी)
- Guduchi (गुडूची)
- Suvarna (सुवर्ण)
Allergy (असात्म्यता / अनूर्जता)
When the immune cells of a person, mistakenly regard harmless substances coming into the contact of body, as harmful, and release potentially damaging chemical substances that harm the body, it is called Allergy. Allergy can affect primarily the upper respiratory tract, bronchi, gut, skin, eyes, etc. Use any one or more of the following drugs to manage Allergy -
- Shati (शटी)
- Madhuyashti (मधुयष्टी)
- Kantakari (कण्टकारी)
- Haridra (हरिद्रा)
- Shirisha (शिरीष)
Pain (वेदना / शूल / दर्द)
When some abnormality stimulates the pain nerve endings (Nociceptors), it results in pain. Pain is present in many diseases, including - Dental diseases, Headache, Arthritis, Dysmenorrhea, Sinusitis, Herpes zoster, Migraine, Fractures, Intestinal colic, Renal colic, Biliary colic, Fibromyalgia, etc.
Use any one or more of the following drugs to manage Pain -
- Jatiphal (जातीफल)
- Vatsanabh (वत्सनाभ)
- Parsika-yavani (पारसीक-यवानी)
- Parijata (पारिजात)
- Nirgundi (निर्गुण्डी)
- Pippalimula (पिप्पलीमूल)
- Godanti (गोदन्ती)
- Hingu (हिंगु)
Spasmodic pain (वेष्टनयुक्त वेदना / मरोड़-सहित दर्द)
When some smooth muscle in an tubular organ constrict strongly, it results in attacks of pain, called Spasmodic pain. It is seen in Intestinal colic, Renal colic, Biliary colic, Dysmenorrhea, etc.
Use any one or more of the following drugs to manage Spasmodic pain -
- Parsika-yavani (पारसीक-यवानी)
- Karpur (कर्पूर)
- Ajwain (अजवायन)
- Pudina (पुदीना)
- Dalchini (दालचीनी)
- Jatiphal (जातीफल। )
- Hingu (हिंगु)
Conclusion (निष्कर्ष):
Try to know the underlying Pathology in the patient and use right and effective drugs for managing the same.
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