Fast changing times demand a Target-oriented approach from the ayurveda doctors, while managing diseases. 

I. Management of Hypo-thyroidism:

1. In simple Hypo-thyroidism use - 
• Guggulu, Brahmi, Gandira, Pippali, and Rakta-marich ;
• Add Kanchnar (Guggulu / Ghan Tab) if the TSH is too high or T3 and T4 are too low.

2. If you find that in a patient with Hypo-thyroidism, the Anti TPO is high, it means the patient is suffering from Auto-immune Thyroiditis. In such a case, add following medicines to the above treatment - 
• Bhallatak, Chitrak, Guggulu ; or
• Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Tulasi, Pippali, Yashad .

II. Management of Diabetes Type-II:

1. In order to reinforce the production of insulin, use tikta-rasa drugs - 
• Mamajjak, Mesha-shringi, Lata-karanja, Katuki 

2. In order to enhance the tissue sensitivity to insulin, use - 
• Katu-rasa drugs in addition to the tikta-rasa drugs - Rakta-marich, Pippali, Shunthi, Marich etc.,
• Metabolic stimulants - Bhallatak, Chitrak
• Liver stimulants - Bhumi-amalaki, Kakamachi, Sharpunkha

III. Management of Bleeding (Hemorrhage):

1. In case of bleeding piles, use - 
• Use drugs to stop bleeding, like - Durva (Ghan Tab), Bol (Parpati), Nagkesar (Churna), Kehrva (Pishti), Praval (Pishti), Vasa (Ghan Tab), Kanchnar (Ghan Tab), Ayapan (Ghan Tab), etc. Plus...
• Anti-hemorrhoidal drugs, like - Dronpushpi (Ghan Tab), Dugdhika, Ativisha, Daruharidra , Nimba (Ghan Tab, Arshoghni Tab), etc.

2. In case of menorrhagia / metrorrhagia / DUB, use - 
• Use above-mentioned drugs to stop bleeding; Plus... 
• Anti-menorrhagic drugs, like - Ashok (Ghan Tab), Lodhra, Lajjalu , Shatavari (Ghan Tab), etc

3. In case of bleeding due to peptic ulcer, use - 
• Use above-mentioned drugs to stop bleeding; Plus... 
• Anti-ulcer drugs, like - Madhuyashti (Ghan Tab), Bhringaraj, Shati , Guduchi (Ghan Tab), Amalaki (Ghan Tab), Vasa (Ghan Tab), etc

4. In case of bleeding due to Coagulation disorders (Rakta-pitta), use
• Use above-mentioned drugs to stop bleeding; Plus... 
• Raktapitra-hara drugs, like - Guduchi (Ghan Tab), Amalaki (Ghan Tab), Vasa (Ghan Tab), Kamal (Ghan Tab), Ushira (Ghan Tab), Chandan (Ghan Tab), etc.


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