PREMATURE CATARACT - Drugs to Prevent / Retard
अपरिपक्व मोतियाबिन्द - रोकने / कम करने वाली औषधियाँ
Cataract has been a cause of partial / complete vision impairment since olden times.
Etio-pathogenesis (सम्प्राप्ति):-
Research has shown that formation of cataract takes place, as below -
1. Enhanced activity of the enzyme aldose reductase that triggers cataract formation;
2. Enhanced activity of the fradicals;
3. Severe oxidative stress that in turn results in protein insolubilization;
4. Increased lipid peroxidation; and
5. Formation of inflammatory mediators.
Useful Drugs (उपयोगी औषधियाँ):
Scientific research shows that following drugs are useful in Immature Cataract -
1. Saptamrit Lauh (सप्तामृत लौह) tab;
2. Tulasi (तुलसी) ghan tab;
3. Ashwagandha(अश्वगंधा) ghan tab;
4. Haridra (हरिद्रा) ghan tab;
5. Amalaki (आमलकी) ghan tab;
6. Haritaki (हरीतकी) ghan tab;
7. Nirgundi (निर्गुण्डी) ghan tab;
8. Shigru (शिग्रु) ghan tab;
9. Rasona(रसोन) ghan tab;
10. Green tea (हरी चाय); and
11. Chakshushya (चक्षुष्या) ghan tab.
Mode of action (कार्यशैली):
Experimental studies on the above-mentioned drugs show that these drugs act to prevent / suppress / retard the formation of cataract in several ways -
1. They inhibit the activity of Aldose reductase enzyme which is responsible for cataract formation;
2. They enhance antioxidant activity in the lens;
3. They suppress lipid peroxidation in the lens;
4. They inhibit insolublization of soluble proteins in the lens; and
5. They alleviate inflammation by lowering the activity of inflammatory mediators.
Importance of Anti-cataractogenic drugs (मोतियाबिन्द-रोधी औषधियों का महत्व):
While it may be difficult to halt the progression of cataract formation in every case, yet these could be used in some of the patients suffering from immature cataract in order to suppress / prevent / retard cataract formation, at least during the waiting period.
_Ref: Devesh Tewari et al, Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Used in Cataract Management; Front. Pharmacol., Sec. Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 10 - 2019._
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