AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF CARDIO-VASCULAR DISORDERS:-हदय व रक्तवाहिनीगत रोगों की आयुर्वैदिक चिकित्सा:-

हदय व रक्तवाहिनीगत रोगों की आयुर्वैदिक चिकित्सा:-

About one fourth of all deaths across the world result from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), making these diseases the leading cause of mortality. Out of these, 80% share goes to coronary artery disease (CAD / IHD). 

Here we discuss some of the key measures that could be of immense value when it comes to the management of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in general, and coronary artery disease (CAD), in particular, based on the following principles of management for heart diseases, as prescribed by
 Acharya Charaka -

तत् महत्, ता महामूला:, तत् च ओजः, परिरक्षता।
परिहार्या विशेषेण मनसः दु:ख हेतवः।।
हृद्यं यत् स्यात् औजस्यं, स्रोतसां यत् प्रसादनम्।
तत् तत् सेव्यं प्रयत्नेन, प्रशमः ज्ञानं एवं च।।
(चरक सूत्रस्थान अध्याय ३० / १३-१४)

• Protect the heart (महत्), the blood vessels (महामूला:), and the immunity (ओजः);
• Avoid (परिहार्या) factors that result in mental stress (मनसः दु:ख हेतवः);
• Try hard to use the (drug and non-drug) measures that  reinforce the heart (हृद्यं), strengthen the immunity (औजस्यं), and keep the blood vessels patent (स्रोतसां यत् प्रसादनम्);
• Observe peace of mind (प्रशमः) and create awareness (ज्ञानं) of the reality.
Let's apply the above principles of management for various heart diseases -

1. HRIDYA DRUGS (हृद्य औषधियाँ)
The term hridya implies anything beneficial for the heart. A large number of drugs with diverse actions could be beneficial to the heart as under –

(i) Drugs that improve the nutrition to the heart (हृदय-पोषक औषधियाँ ) – 

These drugs act by improving blood supply to the heart, through various mechanisms. These include -
• Drugs that improve the blood supply to the heart by dilating the constricted coronary arteries, e.g., 
Pushkarmula (Corfloz);
• Drugs that act by improving the health of the coronary endothelium e.g., 
Arjuna (Corfloz);

• Drugs that antagonize/reverse the plaque (atherosclerosis) in the coronary arteries, e.g., 

• Drugs that improve microcirculation e.g., Brahmi (Corfloz), 

(ii) Drugs that improve the contraction of the heart muscle (हृदय-बल्य औषधियाँ) –
These drugs act by improving the force of contraction of the heart muscle. These include –
• Drugs that improve the contraction of the heart muscle (+ve inotropic action), e.g., Arjuna, 
Calcium compounds (Carditonz);

• Drugs that lower the preload of the heart by decreasing the blood volume through diuresis or laxation, e.g., 
• Drugs that lower the after-load of the heart by lowering the raised blood pressure, e.g., 
Bhumi-amalaki (Phylocil, Livie), 
Sarpagandha (Samvyan).   

2. OJASYA DRUGS (औजस्य औषधियाँ)
The term ojas implies immunity (रोग-प्रतिरोधक क्षमता / बल). A large number of drugs with diverse actions could reinforce immunity as under –

(i) Drugs that improve the immunity of the heart (ओजःवर्धक औषधियाँ ) – 

These drugs act by improving immunity of the heart as below -
• A large number of drugs reinforce the general immunity of the individual, and thereby improve the immunity of the heart and  blood vessels, e.g.,
Yashad (Imunie),  
Kalmegh (Antivir), 
Suvarna, and

• Some drugs improve immunity through their antioxidant properties, e.g., 
Abhrak (Minovit). 
(ii) Drugs that improve general health of the individual (रसायन औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act by improving immunity of the heart as below -
• Some drugs supplement vitamins, minerals, trace minerals,  and nano-minerals, e.g., 
Abhrak (Ossie); 
Suvarna-makshik (Minovit); 

• Some other drugs act by reinforcing the regeneration and rejuvenation, e.g., Ashvagandha, 
Yashad (Cartogen), 

3. SROTO-PRASADK DRUGS (स्रोतःप्रसादक औषधियाँ)
Some drugs act by improving the health of the body channels (स्रोतांसि). These include -

(i) Drugs that dilate the constricted channels (स्रोतःविकासक औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act as below -
• Some drugs act by vasodilation (रक्तवाहिनी-विकास), e.g., - 
Pushkarmula (Corfloz), 
Sarpagandha (Samvyan).

(ii) Drugs that antagonise the build up in the blood vessels channels (स्रोतोशोधक औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act by lowering the production of the unhealthy lipids (LDL cholesterol, triglycerides), promote the production of healthy lipids (HDL cholesterol), reinforcing the breakdown of excessive fats in the body e.g. -
Guggulu, Bhallatak, Chitrak (Revplaq);
• Brahmi, Rakta-marich, Gandira (Thyrin);
• Bhumi-amalaki (Phylocil), Kakmachi, Sharpunkha (Livie);
• Katuki, Tamra, Shilajatu.

(iii) Drugs that antagonise the inflammation in the blood vessels channels (शोथहर औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act by lowering the inflammation in the blood vessels, e.g. - 
Shallaki, Erandmula (LOSWEL Tablet);
• Guggulu, Haridra, Ashwagandha, Rasna, Dashmula

4. AMA-PACHAK DRUGS (आमपाचक औषधियाँ)
Ama-visha (External and internal toxins) is the major underlying cause in a great majority of cardiovascular disorders. A large number of drugs with diverse actions could help digestion, metabolism, degradation, and detoxification of external and internal toxins. 
These include - 

(i) Drugs that stimulate the thyroid  gland (सामवात-बल्य औषधियाँ ) – 
These include –
Rakta-marich, Pippali, Brahmi, Guggulu, Gandira (Thyrin);
• Bhallatak, Chitrak, Guggulu (Revplaq);
• Shunthi, Marich, Chavya, Pippalimula, Vidang.

(ii) Drugs that reinforce the liver (यकृत्-बल्य औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act mainly by strengthening the liver and thus stimulating the metabolism. These include –
Bhumi-amalaki (Phylocil), 
Kakamachi, Sharpunkha (Livie);
• Katuki, Punarnava, Kasani.

(iii) Drugs that reinforce the pancreas (अग्न्याशय-बल्य औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act mainly by strengthening the pancreas and thus reinforcing the functions of the insulin, especially its role in the glucose metabolism. These include –
• Mamajjak, Mesha-shringi, Latakaranja, Katuki, Pippali, Rakta-marich,  Indravaruni (Glycie);
• Darusita, Tejapatra, Jambubeej, Methi, Bilva-patra, Ghrit-kumari.

5. MANO-SAMYAK DRUGS (मनःसाम्यक् औषधियाँ
These drugs act by harmonizing the cognitive functions and improving mental health.  These act as under -

(i) Drugs that calm down the agitated mind (मनःशामक औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act mainly by calming down the agitated mind, e.g. -
Brahmi, Tagar (Mentocalm);
• Shankhpushpi, Mandukparni, Jatamansi.

(ii) Drugs that reinforce the depressed mind (मनोबल्य औषधियाँ) – 
These drugs act mainly by reinforcing the depressed mind. These include –
Jyotishmati, Akarakara, Kapikachhu, Gandira, Vacha (Eleva);
• Makardhwaja.

(iii) Non-drug measures to promote mental  health (मानस चिकित्सा) – 
These measures include –
Autosuggestion (सत्वावजय);
• Counselling (सद्वृत्त);
• Enlightenment (ज्ञानम्).

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