MANJISHTHA - Rubia cordifolia मञ्जिष्ठा: रूबिया कॉर्डिफोलिया:-

MANJISHTHA - Rubia cordifolia
मञ्जिष्ठा: रूबिया कॉर्डिफोलिया:-

modern scientific research has proven the efficacy of Manjishtha

1. Bacterial infections (जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
2. Viral infections (विषाणु-जन्य संक्रमण);
3. Fungal infections (मधुरिका-जन्य संक्रमण);
4. Psoriasis (सोरायसिस);
5. Cancer (कर्क-रोग);
6. Inflammatory diseases (शोथ-युक्त रोग);
7. Diabetes (मधुमेह);
8. Thrombosis (रक्तग्रन्थि);
9. Liver disorders (यकृत् रोग);
10. Kidney disorders (वृक्क व मूत्र रोग).

Let us see in detail - 
1. Bacterial infections ( जीवाणु-जन्य संक्रमण):-
Scientific research has reported that Manjishtha is a potent anti-bacterial drug. It is effective against Gram +ve and Gram -ve bacteria. On this basis, it could be used to manage bacterial infections in different organs / systems - especially urinary tract, 
female reproductive organs, 
and prostate.

2. Viral infections (जीवाणु जन्य संक्रमण):-
Scientific research has reported that Manjishtha has got anti-viral activity, too. It seems to act by inhibiting the replication of various viruses. On this basis, it could be used to manage various viral infections including - 
hepatitis A,B,C, 
Herpes zoster, 
Herpes simplex, 
flu, etc.

3. Fungal infections (मधुरिका-जन्य संक्रमण):-
Scientific research has reported that the presence of anti-fungal activity in Manjishtha. has got anti-viral activity, too. On this basis, it could be used to manage various fungal infections occurring in the skin, 
mucous membranes, etc.

4. Psoriasis (सोरायसिस / किटिभ):-
Research studies show that Manjishtha inhibits the fast proliferation and  multiplication of the epidermal cells in psoriasis. On this basis Manjishtha is used in the management of Psoriasis, both orally and topically. 

5. Cancer (कर्क-रोग):-
Experimental studies have revealed that Manjishtha destroys the proliferating cancer cells. On this basis, Manjishtha Ghan Tablet could be used as a supportive drug in the Anti-cancer Therapy.

6. Inflammatory diseases (शोथ-युक्त रोग):-
Manjishtha has been reported to possess anti-inflammatory activity by inhibiting the production of inflammatory mediators, like - leukotrienes. Ruja-hara (Analgesic) actions. On this basis, Manjishtha could be used in the management of various inflammatory and painful diseases, including arthritis, 
otitis media, 
PID etc. 

7. Diabetes (मधुमेह):-
Manjishtha has been reported to lower the raised blood sugar in diabetes. In addition, it helps in the prevention of the complications of diabetes. On this basis, Manjishtha could be used in the management of diabetes and its complications. 

8. Thrombosis (रक्तग्रन्थि):-
Manjishtha has been reported to prevent the aggregation of platelets and the formation of a thrombus. It could therefore be used to prevent thrombosis in various diseases, like - 
deep vein thrombosis, etc.

9. Liver disorders  (यकृत् रोग):-
Manjishtha has been seen to protect the liver from various toxic substances and infective organisms. It can therefore be used in the management of various liver diseases, including hepatitis and early cirrhosis of liver. 

10. Kidney disorders  (मूत्र रोग):-
Manjishtha has been seen to protect the kidneys from various toxic substances and infective organisms. In addition, it prevents against the formation of calculi. On this basis, it can be used to manage various diseases in the kidneys and urinary tract, 
including UTI, 
renal damage / failure, 
urinary stones, etc. 

Usage (उपयोग):-

Manjishtha can be used in various forms - churna, kvatha, ghan (extract), ark etc.

For best results, you can use Manjishtha Ghan Tablet. Each Manjishtha Ghan Tablet contains 600 mg Ghan (extract) which is equivalent to 3 gm powder of Manjishtha root.
On the basis of the severity of the disease and the strength / body weight of the patient, you could prescribe Manjishtha Ghan Tablet - 1-2 tablets 3-6 times a day. On improvement, taper off the dose. 

DM US - @ayur.medicus


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