मूत्रकृच्छ ...dysuria...


●Disease Introduction The disease which is accompanied by excessive suffering of urine and painful urination is called diuretic.  
  ●In this disease, there is a small but small amount of urination.  It is a serious and chronic middle path disease.  
●Pain in Abdomen is more and the urine is less obstruction, and in urinary bladder, the diuretic is stronger and the agility is less

●  Major reference texts
     1.  Charaka Samhita, Healing Place - Chapter 242.                                     
     2.Sushruta Samhita, Uttara Tantra - Chapter 593.                              
     3. Ashtanga Hriday, Nidhansthan - Chapter 59.                                         
      4.Ashtanga hridya, medical place - Chapter 115.
5.Madhav nidan- Chapter 309. Bhavaprakash - Chapter 35 diagnosis

 - Diagnosis of the alimentary canal is described in the following way.  Excessive and improper exercise2.  Intake of acute medicines.                          1. Urinary anorexia.                      
2.  Urinal plexus, esophageal esophagus, uricorrhoea.  thanks to dr.ajay sharma

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